Quake II (2023)
I was once again a senior programmer on the once again highly acclaimed 2023 rereleases of Quake II that came out on PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS, and Switch.

Quake (2021)
I was a senior programmer on the highly acclaimed 2021 rereleases of Quake that came out on PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS, and Switch.

Doom Classic (2019-2020)
I worked on the Unity based Doom ports released in 2019 on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, iOS, and Android.

RAGE 2 (2019)
I contributed a back office application for managing the items in the in-game store in RAGE 2, helping our producers to quickly put together store layouts on all platforms, in all languages.

Quake Champions (2015-2019)
I was involved with Quake Champions since the first days of prototyping, and worked on the official stats site, heatmaps, and internal business intelligence.

Quake Live Steam (2014-2016)
As Quake Live wound down, we had the opportunity to convert the game into a standalone product for one final release. This iteration of Quake Live was about a year of work, including a from scratch rewrite of the web based frontend.

Quake Live Web (2009-2016)
The web version of Quake Live was a free to play service, with most of the game hosted on a dedicated backend. I started working on the frontend, but by the end of the service, was running all aspects of it, frontend and backend.